News # News around SuP #


News around SuP



Silke Brand-Kirsch of Schlegel und Partner test drove Sono Motors’ Sion

07 Sep 2018
With the product launches of the Taycan, E-Tron and EQC, e-mobility has finally arrived in Germany!


New EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement

02 Aug 2018
Trading with Japan will become much easier in the future and boost the EU-Japanese trade relations. In December 2017, the European Union and Japan agreed on a comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), which includes a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).


"Bio-based Adhesives - Reclaiming Waste": SpecialChem publishes Schlegel und Partner's article

19 Jul 2018
Thorsten Leupold, Director of the Chemicals and Technical Consumables department, describes the perception of biodegradability around the globe, manufacturing processes of bio-based polymers, their utilization in the adhesives market as well as trends for the foreseeable future.


Ursula Hosselmann, Director Engineering Markets, at DKT 2018 (Deutsche Kautschuk-Tagung)

13 Jul 2018
gathering information on the latest rubber technologies and meeting experts at the TPE-forum.


Holger Richter at eehe conference in Würzburg

22 Jun 2018
Holger Richter, Director Sales Automotive and Techology of Schlegel und Partner, at eehe – Electric & Electronic Systems in Hybrid and Electrical Vehicles and Electrical Energy Management conference in Würzburg to discuss the latest developments in the field of electrified vehicles with industry experts.


Vorstellung der Kernergebnisse zur zukünftigen Durchdringung der Elektromobilität auf der IMU Jahrestagung

21 Jun 2018
Sebastian Luettig, Abteilungsleiter Fahrzeugtechnik bei Schlegel und Partner, stellte die Kernergebnisse der mehrmonatigen Studie zur zukünftigen Durchdringung der Elektromobilität auf der Jahrestagung des Industrieverbandes Massivumformung vor.



20 Jun 2018
Ein Expertenvortrag von Nabil Al Kabir, Consultant Fahrzeugtechnik bei Schlegel und Partner, beim Kolloquium Future Mobility der Technischen Akademie Esslingen



20 Jun 2018
Ein Expertenvortrag von Sebastian Lüttig, Abteilungsleiter Fahrzeugtechnik, beim Kolloquium Future Mobility der Technischen Akademie Esslingen


Power electronics drives e-mobility

19 Jun 2018
Susanne Hense and Fabian Gabor from the automotive division of Schlegel und Partner have taken a close look at the latest trends at this year’s PCIM in Nuremberg. Integration, cooling and efficiency were among the key topics.


Dr. Vysakh Prasad of Schlegel und Partner at India Day 2018 in Cologne

11 Jun 2018
A business forum to get an up-to-date overview of economic, political and social issues associated with doing business in India. Speakers discussed their success stories in the Indian market and shared firsthand practical experiences. The cultural iceberg associated with doing business and decision-making in India was also discussed from different perspectives. Finally, discussion and speculation about the results of the next Lok Sabha election were part of the agenda.  


Product Brands in B2B

29 May 2018
Beloved and defended within the company – rarely perceived as brands by customers

Just like B2C marketing, B2B companies rely on the power of brands. After years of obscure marketing strategies and uncontrolled spreading of brands, many organizations are now actively working on their brand architectures. This in turn also raises the question of the significance of product brands in B2B markets. Schlegel und Partner conducted a number of studies and discovered that product brands are hardly as effective as their producers expect.


In treatment – Patient seeds: How a high-tech product is derived from a grain of seeds

23 May 2018
There have been attempts to improve agricultural efficiency ever since the history of human civilization. The struggle for increased agricultural production to ensure being fed has accompanied human activity since ancient times. Nowadays, the growing world population combined with changing nutritional habits is especially demanding improvement of agricultural methods. In recent years, seed treatment – not to be mistaken with genetic modification of seeds – has played an important role in meeting this demand which has accordingly opened new opportunities for raw material suppliers and plant manufacturers. Schlegel und Partner supports its clients in serving this market and providing a basis for market entry.


Sebastian Lüttig at Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Conference and Battery Show 2018 in Hannover

17 May 2018
The latest manufacturing solutions along the H/EV supply chain including electrical powertrains and components are showcased at the exhibition.


Schlegel’s staff give very positive reviews on kununu - many thanks to all

08 May 2018
Schlegel Mitarbeiter bewerten sehr positiv auf kununu – vielen Dank an alle

Bereits vor drei Jahren erhielt Schlegel und Partner die Auszeichnung TOP COMPANY und OPEN COMPANY von kununu und das Tolle ist: die Erfolgsstory geht weiter.
Auch im Branchenvergleich schneidet Schlegel und Partner GmbH deutlich besser ab.


„Regulatory & Industrial Requirements for Food Grade Adhesives”, SpecialChem publishes Schlegel und Partner's article

04 May 2018
Find out how the demand for compliant and recycling-friendly adhesives is impacting the adhesive industry.



27 Apr 2018
Der europäische Maschinenbau steht unter hohem Kostendruck – auch durch den zunehmenden Wettbewerb aus China. Gleichzeitig nimmt die Produktvielfalt im Maschinenbau im Zuge der Digitalisierung weiter zu. Hier gilt es, als Gleitlagerhersteller die richtige Marktstrategie zu wählen, um sich im Wettbewerb behaupten zu können.



26 Apr 2018
Mit großem Interesse und auch Besorgnis sehen deutsche Unternehmen und Unternehmer derzeit der Umsetzung des neuen Cyber Security Gesetzes und der geplanten Einführung eines ‚Social Credit System‘ 2020 in China entgegen. Das gab der IHK Pfalz den Anlass, diese Themen in einem ausgewählten Kreis von China-Experten zu diskutieren. Dorothea Slevogt war als Expertin von Schlegel und Partner dabei.



11 Apr 2018
Natalie Mikulic (Global Recruitment) und Athanasia Tzimani (HR Development) informieren über Praktika, Stellenangebote und das Stipendium-Programm.


SuP at the inauguration customer event of the TIAC, the new Tissue Innovation and Application Center of Andritz

23 Mar 2018
Silke Brand-Kirsch spoke on key trends in the tissue market.



19 Mar 2018
Asien-Expertin bei Schlegel und Partner sondiert Digitalisierungsfortschritt in China


Silke Brand-Kirsch of Schlegel und Partner at FILTECH in Cologne

15 Mar 2018
Encountering top-level knowledge transfer and learning about future trends and perspectives from leading industry experts at the world’s largest filtration event.


SuP awards scholarship

12 Mar 2018
SuP awards scholarship, supporting young talents in the region.
For the third time in cooperation with Mannheim University, Schlegel und Partner participate in Mannheim’s scholarship scheme for medium-sized businesses.


Schlegel und Partner at Atlas Copco’s inauguration of the expanded innovation center in Bretten

12 Mar 2018
Great demonstrations of all bonding solutions under one umbrella.


SuP at 2nd Additive Manufacturing Forum in Berlin

08 Mar 2018
Experts from both manufacturers and users discussed in key notes, master classes and workshops the topics application, design, construction – series production and process reliability – business models and digitization – value chain and new materials


SuP presents first "Framework Conditions for Electric Mobility" results at Industrieverband (industry association) Massivumformung e. V.

01 Mar 2018
Heidi Lantschner and Sebastian Lüttig discussed the comparison of current forecasts and the influencing factors for future penetration of electric vehicles in particular with the member companies of the electromobility working group.


2. Industrie 4.0-Tag Baden-Württemberg 2018

26 Feb 2018
Fabian Gabor of SuP in Stuttgart: Experts discussed opportunities, risks and challenges of digitalization for German automobile and mechanical engineering suppliers.


SuP at 3rd VDMA Congress "Predictive Maintenance 4.0" in Frankfurt

23 Feb 2018
The event highlighted the topic “Predictive Maintenance” from different angles


Edana Middle East & North Africa Nonwovens Symposium in Dubai

12 Feb 2018
Silke Brand-Kirsch speaks about the localization of the hygiene industry in sub-Saharan Africa: Is it a future megatrend or lonely beacon?



08 Feb 2018
Glaube nie einer Statistik, die Du nicht selbst gefälscht hast –
so lautete das Credo des kürzlich veröffentlichten Berichtes des Spiegel Magazins.


aabc – advanced automotive battery conference in Mainz

02 Feb 2018
Holger Richter of Schlegel und Partner took the opportunity to meet with 950 experts to discuss chemistry, design and market trends of Li-ion batteries in the future.


SuP again partner-company of Medecins Sans Frontieres

19 Jan 2018
Lived corporate value Social Responsibility: SuP has been supporting the activities of MSF for years.


SuP article „Adhesive Industry Wrap-Up 2017 & What Will come in 2018?” published by SpecialChem

22 Dec 2017
SpecialChem is a universal selection source for chemicals and materials containing technical websites dedicated to some of the largest downstream markets for the chemical industry.


CTI conferences in Shanghai (September) and Berlin (December)

14 Dec 2017
Dr. Karsten Wasiluk, Assistant Director Automotive and Transportation of Schlegel und Partner, gave lectures on the future of e-mobility. Focus was the efficient macrosocial implementation of e-mobility and the corresponding suitability of the different electric vehicle types.


Schlegel und Partner in der November 2017 Ausgabe des IHK Magazins Rhein-Neckar

30 Nov 2017
Regelmäßig berichtet das IHK Magazin Rhein-Neckar über erfolgreiche Firmen und Verbände in der Region. In der November 2017 Ausgabe stellt sich Schlegel und Partner vor. Die internationale Unternehmensberatung aus Weinheim blickt in diesem Jahr auf 25 erfolgreiche Geschäftsjahre zurück.


Schlegel und Partner at COMPAMED and MEDICA in Düsseldorf – the world’s largest medical trade fair

28 Nov 2017
More than 5,100 exhibitors from 70 countries presented their products and innovations for outpatient and clinical care.


Fi Food Ingredients Conference in Frankfurt on November 28

27 Nov 2017
Dr. Thorsten Böhn and Dr. Isabelle Symonds of Schlegel und Partner share insights on proteins.


2b AHEAD Enabling Transformation Congress 2017 in Stuttgart with focus on Digital Transformation

24 Nov 2017
An inspiring forum to brainstorm about how digitalization can enable new ways of thinking and working. The congress showed that companies need to find their individual way to switch to a “digital transformation mode”. Key element is, however, the enabling of employees to become drivers for digital transformation.


SuP article "Continent in Transition: African Opportunities" in The World of Food Ingredients magazine

23 Nov 2017
The Sub-Saharan Africa region is a very dynamic and growing market that is open for new offers and innovations.


Agritechnica in Hannover

23 Nov 2017
Schlegel und Partner's wrap-up:


SuP in "SNW Sustainable Nonwovens" magazine: Sales surge puts India back on nonwovens map

21 Nov 2017
Dr. Vysakh Prasad, Consultant at Schlegel und Partner, outlines the case for investment in India's nonwovens industry that will see rapid growth over the next twenty years.


Schlegel und Partner visited the sugar beet refinery of Südzucker AG in Offstein

09 Nov 2017
We were impressed by the high processing speed and the enormous volumes of processed sugar beet, while meeting highest quality and safety standards.


Schlegel und Partner at Fakuma in Friedrichshafen

23 Oct 2017
International trade fair for plastic processing


Schlegel und Partner in Berlin: 9. Deutscher Maschinenbau-Gipfel

20 Oct 2017
Mechanical engineering in transition


Schlegel und Partner at the Nonwovens Seminar hosted by Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut in Chemnitz

16 Oct 2017
Great information based on a long tradition of excellence in textiles!


Schlegel und Partner at EVS30 - Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition - in Stuttgart

13 Oct 2017
Charging is becoming easier, faster and more efficient


Schlegel und Partner at OUTLOOK - the World's Premier Nonwoven Personal Care Products and Hygiene Conference in Cascais, Portugal

29 Sep 2017
Fantastic networking, great preseantations, exzellent location.


Thorsten Leupold and Dr. Vysakh Prasad of Schlegel und Partner at FEICA 2017 Conference and EXPO in Sardinia

19 Sep 2017
Driving Innovation was this year’s theme: Formulators and raw material suppliers met to discuss the latest trends and the business environment. Participants could benefit from insights into the key topics in their industry.


SuP Trend Scouting und Deep Dive: Globale Megatrends in der „Welt der Handelsmarken“

01 Aug 2017
Auf der weltweit größten Handelsmarkenmesse „Welt der Handelsmarken“ der PLMA (Private Label Manufacturer Association) in Amsterdam präsentierten sich über 2.500 ausstellende Firmen. Über 13.000 Fachbesucher aus über 110 Ländern ließen sich von Herstellern und Lieferanten von FMCG-Produkten, Frisch-, Tiefkühl- und Kühlwaren, haltbaren Lebensmitteln und Getränken sowie Non-Food Produkten aus dem Bereich Kosmetika, Gesundheit und Schönheit überzeugen.


Aktuelle Trends von der Internationalen FIAAP Animal Nutrition Konferenz

01 Aug 2017
Welche Trends beeinflussen die Futtermittelindustrie?

Am 14. Juni 2017 fand in Köln die internationale FIAAP Animal Nutrition Konferenz statt, an der Schlegel und Partner teilnahm. Die eintägige Fachtagung befasste sich mit aktuellen Innovationen und Forschungsergebnissen im Bereich Futtermittelzusatzstoffe, Formulierungen und Verarbeitung.
