SuP commentary on economic development
01 Feb 2021
In view of the high level of uncertainty due to Covid-19 and other risks, Schlegel und Partner provides an assessment of the current economic situation for Germany and various industries. Starting point is the report of the German Federal Statistical Office for the fourth quarter of 2020.
The market for paper packaging: tear-proof and resistant even in times of crisis
16 Nov 2020
Moderate downturn, fast recovery. Supported by several megatrends, the market for paper packaging is defying the crisis. Even though technology and market are compa-ratively mature, opportunities for sustainable growth exist for old and new players.
SuP commentary on economic development
02 Nov 2020
In view of the high level of uncertainty due to Covid-19 and other risks, Schlegel und Partner provides an assessment of the current economic situation in various countries and industries. Starting point is the report of the German Federal Statistical Office for the third quarter of 2020.
Chancen in der Schienenfahrzeugindustrie nutzen
26 Oct 2020
Urbanisierung, Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit, Mobilität – diese vier Megatrends verhelfen der Schienenfahrzeugindustrie zu nachhaltigem Wachstum. Zulieferer müssen gewährleisten, dass auch in Zukunft die Weichen richtig gestellt sind.
Space2Agriculture – was haben Raumfahrt und Landwirtschaft gemeinsam?
06 Oct 2020
Smart farming, Digitalisierung im Stall, autonome Erntemaschine sind einige Schlagworte, die derzeit die Landwirtschaft beschäftigen. Doch wie kann hierbei die Raumfahrt unterstützen?
Customer Experience beim bvik
06 Oct 2020
Mit sechs Monaten Verspätung fand die bvik-Veranstaltung zum Thema „Customer Experience“ bei JUMO in Fulda statt. „Die Veranstaltung zeigte eindrucksvoll, dass nicht viele Features, sondern ein besseres Verständnis der Kundenbedürfnisse ein Produkt erfolgreich machen“, so Ursula Hosselmann, Leiterin der Abteilung Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik bei Schlegel und Partner. Hosselmann war direkt vor Ort und erlebte gut aufgelegte Referenten mit anschaulichen Beispielen aus Film, Sensorik und Automation. Der Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V. (bvik) ist eine unabhängige Organisation für Marketing-Verantwortliche der Industrie und Profis der B2B-Kommunikationsbranche.
Personalized food: optimized nutritional solution based on the biological information
06 Oct 2020
Nowadays, consumers want to understand what they eat or drink exactly, in order to select or avoid specific ingredients. Responding to that, the range of alternative food ingredients is expanding in the market.Food companies try to grab the opportunities, as consumer demands are likely to grow in the future.
HVAC - ISO 16890 influenced the filtration media market: Controversial or beneficial?
28 Aug 2020
ISO 16890 is revolutionizing the world of HVAC. In this article we summarize the main aspects to stay updated on the topic and we show the most important impacts on the market of filter media.
Supplemental Healthcare - Innovative vitamin production brings new market opportunities
11 Aug 2020
While COVID-19 was bad news for many industries, one of the positively impacted industries is the supplemental healthcare business. For instance, in Italy and France, consumption of OTC healthcare increased by more than 50% during COVID-19, compared to the same period one year ago. Especially vitamins C and D are currently hyped immune system boosters. Nevertheless, what is the origin of vitamins?
Expectations and new horizons for the oil and gas industry
04 Aug 2020
The oil and gas industry was walking on thin ice even before the COVID-19 crisis hit the global economy. The industry was already struggling to find a new balance, battling with a flood of oversupply and a fair share of geopolitical instabilities. That brings up many questions, including: How and in what shape will the industry emerge from the crisis? Where are the prices heading? What effects can be expected for all stakeholders?
Karriereschritte für Wachstumsberater bei Schlegel und Partner
29 Jul 2020
Senior Consultants starten durch mit dem SuP-Personal Entwicklungs-Konzept
Not macht erfinderisch – SuP hilft Kunden während der COVID_19 Krise neue Absatzchancen zu identifizieren
26 Jun 2020
Wie Automobilzulieferer neue Chancen nutzen.Die aktuelle Situation legt weitestgehend die Wirtschaft lahm. Bei vielen Automobilzulieferern steht die Produktion immer noch – zumindest teilweise – still. Wichtig ist es jetzt, neue Absatzmärkte und Potenziale für die vorhandenen Kapazitäten, zu finden.
The unhappy ending of specialty films and how they could be redeemed.
22 Jun 2020
Specialty films have been the problem solvers of the packaging world in the latest years. In the recent past, if you wanted your food to remain stocked and unaltered at the supermarket –and then home- shelves for months you would have found the perfect solution in such films. Their strength? They combine different barrier properties of different materials: why should you choose between many materials and discard precious properties when you can use them all?
Der stabile Draht zum Kunden als Erfolgsfaktor für post-Covid-19
02 Jun 2020
Covid-19 wirbelt nachhaltig unser Leben, unser Geschäftsverständnis und unser Vertrauen in bestehende Strukturen durcheinander. Das erfordert Maßnahmen, die bestehende Beziehungen bestätigt, bestärkt und voranbringt. Denn eins ist sicher: Miteinander reden hilft! Dies gilt gleichermaßen extern in der Kommunikation mit Kunden und Stakeholdern, wie intern mit den Mitarbeitern.
Social Responsibility – Soforthilfe für Großklinik in Frankfurt. SuP aktiviert weltweites Netzwerk und hilft in der Krise.
13 May 2020
Soziale Verantwortung ist ein gelebter Wert bei SuP. Das zeigt einmal mehr das Ergebnis der transkontinentalen Organisation von 2.500 Gesichts-Schutzschildern.
Cov-19 stimulates the application for end-use products
27 Apr 2020
Cov-19 could draw further attention to AM, because it allows the flexible manufacturing of products in times of supply chain disruptions.
Automotive OEM neu gedacht – Wie OEMs die Veränderungen des Automotive Independent Aftermarket aktiv mitgestalten
22 Apr 2020
Strukturelle Veränderungen im Automotive Aftermarket schaffen neue Potentiale für Geschäftsfelder und Marktteilnehmer. Welche Marktbearbeitungsstrategien sind sinnvoll und welche Rolle spielen strukturelle, länderspezifische Besonderheiten?
Schlegel und Partner spendet für „Ärzte ohne Grenzen“ über 6.000 €
01 Apr 2020
Seit Jahren spenden Schlegel und Partner als Partner-Unternehmen sowie Mitarbeiter gemeinsam für "Ärzte ohne Grenzen". Insgesamt kamen diesmal über 6.000 Euro Spendengelder zusammen.
A unique charity team building, with effect
02 Mar 2020
Together we manufactured 11 hand prostheses at our annual team meeting in 2019 for the charity organization Helping Hands (
Sustainability in B2B: turning from efficiency optimization towards environmental solutions
19 Feb 2020
Topics around environment, sustainability and climate change gained enormous momentum in the past months. Before, market researchers would have received raised eyebrows and a weary smile on the topic in expert interviews – now, it became top priority. Sustainability is no longer a vehicle for efficiency optimization only, but is actively pursued for necessity to take action.
Looking for growth? Looking for sustainability? Think about passenger ships: cruise ships, ferries and mega yachts
19 Feb 2020
The Germans spent 25 percent more travel days on a cruise ship than in the previous year until April 2019, according to the tourism index of the Federal Association of the German Tourism Industry. According to the German cruise association Clia, around two and a half million people took a cruise last year. Ten years ago, there were just one million German passengers. But demand is also increasing rapidly in other countries.
Greta ‘present’ at the AABC 2020
14 Feb 2020
One thing becomes clear at this year's Advanced Automotive Battery Conference in Wiesbaden: sustainability and decarbonization have reached the battery industry on a broad scale.
Schlegel und Partner is climate neutral
24 Jan 2020
Schlegel und Partner – Your Market Insighters – has been active in identifying market opportunities for innovations in the fields of environment and sustainability for many years. Now we want also contribute to the drive for global climate neutrality, by taking responsibility for our own carbon footprint.
IAA in a nutshell - Rückblick und Kommentar zur Internationalen Automobil-Ausstellung 2019
30 Sep 2019
Weniger Aussteller, schwindende Besucherzahlen… über den vermeintlich unausweichlichen Niedergang der IAA ist in den Medien bereits vielfach berichtet worden. Nicht zu Unrecht, wenn man bedenkt, dass Marken, die sich für über 40% der in Europa produzierten Fahrzeuge verantwortlich zeigen, nicht mit eigenen Ständen vertreten waren. Grund genug für uns, deshalb einige Aspekte etwas näher zu betrachten.
Dr. Katja Flascha appointed member of the German Senate of Economy
13 Aug 2019
The Senate of Economy promotes Germany as business location in the interest of the common good at national and international levels. Core topics are a forward-looking, livable economic society, sustainability for people, nature and the environment, ethics, corporate social responsibility, corporate governance and compliance in business, politics and society.The Senate of Economy is committed to the goals of the United Nations with all its sub-organizations, the World Trade Point Federation, the Global Compact and the Code of Ethics of the German Business Ethics Association (EVW).
China leads in public digitalization, while its industry is still lagging behind
18 Jun 2019
Chinese companies are overtaking the rest of the world when it comes to digitalizing everyday life through high-tech innovation. Now, that China is also moving towards digitalizing its industries, German 4.0 industrial companies should grab these opportunities quickly.
12. Mannheimer Mittelstandsmesse an der FH Mannheim
11 Apr 2019
Zum dritten Mal in Folge vergab Schlegel und Partner das Mittelstand-Stipendium an junge Wirtschaftsingenieure der FH Mannheim und fördert damit Talente der Zukunft. Seit 2018 ist dem auch ein Mentoring Programm angeschlossen.
Dr. Vysakh Prasad at the European Coatings Show and Conference 2019
29 Mar 2019
The ECS discussed various innovative and relevant topics for the coatings industry.
Silke Brand-Kirsch spoke about e-mobility and its key impacts on the coated textiles market at TCL2019 conference
25 Mar 2019
Never since the invention of the motor vehicle have trends been so disruptive for players all along the automotive value chain. New mobility concepts, less car ownership and the shift towards Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) are about to change the entire supply chain structure and the consumer attitude towards passengers cars regarding status, self-perception and personal freedom.
Kooperation mit der Hochschule Mannheim
28 Feb 2019
Schlegel und Partner startet Mentoring Programm MAlumni: Vernetzung, persönlicher Kontakt, Wissens- und Erfahrungstransfer von Studierenden mit Fachkräften aus Industrie und Wirtschaft - auf direktem Weg und unkompliziert - ist das Ziel des 2018 gestarteten MAlumni-Programms.
Kooperation mit ABSOLVENTUM
21 Feb 2019
SuP startet Mentoring Programm mit dem Alumniverein der Uni Mannheim
Holger Richter presented at AMAP - Advanced Metals and Processes - Colloquium in Aachen
19 Feb 2019
"Effects of electrified powertrains and driver assistance on body design"
Dr. Vysakh Prasad attended the CAR Symposium 2019 in Bochum
18 Feb 2019
The energy storage system topic was the focus of discussions among scientists and industry representatives
Ursula Hosselmann besuchte die Jahresauftaktveranstaltung der IHK Rhein-Neckar
08 Feb 2019
Vortrag von Bundesbankpräsident Jens Weidmann
Sebastian Lüttig attended this year’s AABC conference Europe (Advanced Automotive Battery) in Strasbourg
05 Feb 2019
See his key takeaways
Qualifikation wird bei uns großgeschrieben
11 Jan 2019
“Gut gewappnet für neue Aufgaben – das ist unser Anspruch für unsere internationalen Teams”, so Athanasia Tzimani, Personalentwicklerin. Schlegel und Partner gratuliert sieben neuen Senior Consultants zu diesem Karriereschritt: one-step-beyond.
19 Dec 2018
Trends bei Voice of Customer Analysen im Digitalisierungs-Zeitalter: Die Digitalisierung hat die Geschäftswelt in den letzten Jahren gewandelt. Das Interesse an den Wünschen und Bedürfnissen der eigenen Kunden ist nach wie vor ungebrochen. Doch mit den neuen Technologien wandeln sich Inhalte und Methoden von Kundenzufriedenheitsanalysen als Basis strategischer Entscheidungen.
Interview with Silke Brand-Kirsch and Dorothea Slevogt published in Sustainable Nonwovens Magazine
14 Dec 2018
Schlegel und Partner experts talk about the growth of nonwovens in light vehicle applications, megatrends in the automotive industry, key drivers and growth prediction for battery electric vehicle production and finally give an outlook on the market size and growth for automotive nonwovens from now until 2030 and give insight on the opportunities and threats in the near term.
Marpol 2018 - How will new environmental regulations affect the base oils & lubricants industry?
06 Dec 2018
Silke Brand-Kirsch spoke at ICIS Conference
30 Nov 2018
„Auch 2018 unterstützen wir als Partner-Unternehmen mit einer Spende die Hilfsprojekte von Ärzte ohne Grenzen. Mit diesem Beitrag können wir Brücken bauen und helfen Ärzte ohne Grenzen weltweit das Leben von Menschen in Not zu retten.“, so Dierk Plümer, Geschäftsführer Schlegel und Partner GmbH in Weinheim.
Free Trade Agreement between Japan and the EU (JEFTA) will further intensify trade between these two important economic areas
27 Nov 2018
During the event organized by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Mainz, Dr. Thorsten Böhn and Soyeong Sim investigated future market potentials and challenges together with representatives from industrial companies, consultants and public organizations.
Schlegel und Partner was part of the global community where food, health and innovation meet: Food Matters Live in London
22 Nov 2018
The event provided a platform to share ideas, innovations and latest insights.
Haiju Lu and Isabelle Symonds visited EuroTier 2018 trade fair in Hannover
20 Nov 2018
to get to know the latest trends in animal nutrition and health.
Thorsten Böhn and Hanye Zhang visited formnext in Frankfurt am Main
16 Nov 2018
International exhibition and conference on the next generation of manufacturing technologies.
Isabelle Symonds took part in the DLR INNOspace conference in Potsdam
13 Nov 2018
“Aerospace Technologies and Services for Agriculture”: besides interesting presentations from aerospace as well as agriculture, Schlegel und Partner connected with leading players, influencers and decision makers and got further inspired in the fields of innovations and digitalization.
Nils Petermann at nonwovens conference Hofer Vliesstofftage 2018
09 Nov 2018
420 professionals from across the European nonwovens industry met in Hof (Franconia) to share insights into fibers, web formation and impregnation. Current big topics: Digitalization and machine learning.
E-mobility - quo vadis 2030? Future forecasts for the market penetration of electric vehicles
08 Nov 2018
Under the leadership of Industrieverbands Massivumformung e. V., Schlegel und Partner comprehensively analyzed the framework conditions for e-mobility in the most important markets on behalf of domestic and foreign suppliers. The result is a solid basis for the members of the association as a fact-based planning framework.
Sebastian Lüttig at e4 TESTIVAL at Hockenheimring
08 Nov 2018
Experiencing a day of electric drive technology with e-passenger cars, e-scooters and e-bikes as well as lectures, panel discussions, interviews and open Q&A.