

Successful Automotive Shareposium 2015 at Deidesheim

29 Oct 2015
"Shift of power in fast changing market structures"

Numerous representatives of global supplier groups and medium-sized businesses as well as people from universities came together at the first networking exchange and discussion round to consider the topic of “Shift of power in fast changing market structures“.


Schlegel und Partner in der Oktober 2015 Ausgabe des IHK Magazins Rhein-Neckar

26 Oct 2015
Neben aktuellen Themen und Trends berichtet das IHK Magazin regelmäßig über erfolgreiche Firmen und Verbände in der Region. Als die Marktforschung und Unternehmensberatung für technisch orientierte Branchen wird Schlegel und Partner mit Sitz in Weinheim in dieser Ausgabe vorgestellt.


With the next Five-Year-Plan into China’s next ‘new normal’

01 Oct 2015
China’s current economic approach has had its day. Slowed growth, environmental and socio-economic problems, stock market crashes and an increasingly demanding Chinese population require a new approach which is expected to be reflected in the up-coming 13th Five-Year-Plan. The Plan will set the course for China’s next “new normal” as a high-income sustainable economy with a moderately prosperous society.
